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Showing posts with the label 100 year pandemic

The World In Which We Live: USS Georgia Edition

Yes, hindsight is truly 20/20. Georgia is drowning in new cases of Covid-19, no doubt due to Governor Brian Kemp's insistence to re-open the state to please his hero at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Kemp, the same man who ran for Governor while holding office as Secretary of State, an office in charge of overseeing the electoral process , has bumbled his way through the pandemic almost as embarrassingly as Trump, complete with dumb quotes, obvious ignorance of the situation he faces, and surrounded by flunkies who assure him he's doing everything well. At least his body count is lower than Trump's. Georgia is devolving into Florida North, but this will somehow be blamed on migrating birds bringing the madness north as they fly north for the winter. Times like these make this writer ask "What if...?" but such an exercise is exhausting and ultimately frustrating. Election day is only 16 weeks away. What unfolds in anyone's guess.

The World In Which We Live: Pandemic Edition

What a year 2020 has become. As the federal government (particularly the head of the executive branch) dithered, a microscopic killer grew in strength and swept across the globe. A novel virus; one which humans have not been exposed to and thus have no immunity from. No effective treatment, no vaccine at this time. The possibilities are horrendous. At first it was a China problem, then an Asia problem, before it became a global problem. In my home state of Georgia, it has become a human behavior problem. The state has been partially shut down for a matter less than one month, yet is set to reopen in days. Never mind that our governor claimed he was unaware that the virus could spread via asymptomatic persons, earning himself a place on the Dumbest Governors list. The state is reopening with a mind-boggling list of businesses: hair salons, barber shops, tattoo parlors, massage parlors, bars. These are the last  businesses that should open, yet Kemp, doing his best impression of a ...